The Rise Up blog
Everything you need to know about best practices in vocational training
5 Minutes of reading
Published on 26 April 2023.
5 Minutes of reading
Published on 24 April 2023.
Arnaud Blachon, Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder at Rise Up, discusses how learning and development strategies can help reduce work-related stress
2 Minutes of reading
Published on 04 April 2023.
6 Minutes of reading
Published on 30 March 2023.
Does your L&D program actively add value? Does it drive business performance? Is it a source of competitive advantage … or just a cost center?
5 Minutes of reading
Published on 13 March 2023.
Mental health costs UK employers £56 billion each year (Deloitte). At any one time, one in six of Britain’s working-age population experiences symptoms associated with mental health (Royal College of Psychiatrists), and half of the employees have experienced at least one characteristic of burnout (Deloitte).
8 Minutes of reading
Published on 07 March 2023.
Learner disengagement is one of the biggest challenges facing training organizations. Sometimes it’s obvious in dropout rates, but sometimes it’s hidden in poor outcomes. The learners attended, but they failed to learn.
5 Minutes of reading
Published on 07 March 2023.
How to flex to 2023’s way of working In recent years, requirements of training providers have shifted with many factors impacting when, where and how training delivery can be enhanced. As Gartner reports: “52% of employees say flexible work policies will affect their decision to stay at their organizations.” (Gartner, 2023) With changing priorities and a more diverse workforce, how can providers ensure everyone is supported?
7 Minutes of reading
Published on 04 March 2023.
One of the main challenges of corporate training is creating relevant and engaging learning paths, and ensuring that learners retain the information in the long term. This is not only for compliance reasons but also to give your employees the tools to perform better on a daily basis. But how do you maintain knowledge over time and guarantee the effectiveness of the training given?
3 Minutes of reading
Published on 24 February 2023.
As employee engagement is declining and our skills gap crisis deepens, finding effective methods of connecting with learners is a core challenge for 2023. Gallup’s latest research found that only 34% of the over 57,000 employees they surveyed felt engaged at work, and 16% confirmed they were actively disengaged. Creating learning programs and shifting the workplace mindset towards tangible business outcomes is vital for retention and engagement to help you mitigate the risk. PwC found that 20% of employees will switch jobs within the year.
8 Minutes of reading
Published on 22 December 2022.
In our previous blog, we explored how the post-covid era has led to various challenges for HR professionals. In this article, we tackle the skills HR teams need today to help fight these.