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The Rise Up blog

Everything you need to know about best practices in vocational training

  • 9 Minutes of reading

    Published on 21 November 2022.

    Verbal and non-verbal communication: how can we communicate more effectively?

    Both verbal and non-verbal communication are equally important. Whether it is the words spoken, an attitude, or a certain look, they all greatly influence how we work with others. How can we decode verbal and non-verbal elements to communicate better in business? Let's dive into how verbal and non-verbal communication are essential soft skills to learn.

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  • 15 Minutes of reading

    Published on 14 November 2022.

    How can we assess employees' skills?

    A professional skills assessment is a key tool for businesses looking to develop, grow and retain their personnel On top of helping employees' career progression, measuring skill levels means shining a light on a workforce's strengths and weaknesses, and therefore a company's ability to perform in the market.

  • 8 Minutes of reading

    Published on 07 November 2022.

    HR skills: the new challenges of human resources

    HR has seen some profound shifts in recent years. Human resources professionals have been on the front line since the first months of the health crisis, and their central role within organizations is sure to continue. HR departments face the consequences of lockdowns and restrictions: the implementation of a new approach to work in an organization (remote working, hybrid work).

  • 13 Minutes of reading

    Published on 07 November 2022.

    Professional skills: a practical guide

    The value of an employee lies in their professional skills. By skills, we of course mean technical and business skills (hard skills), but not only that - an employee's skills and abilities cover a much wider field.

  • 15 Minutes of reading

    Published on 04 November 2022.

    Improving interpersonal skills at work: an asset for the company

    Developing our interpersonal skills is essential in the current (and future) work environment. Creativity, leadership, adaptability and autonomy are qualities increasingly sought-after by employers. Interpersonal skills determine well-being at work, career development and the success of the company as a whole. Rise Up zooms in on interpersonal skills and gives you solutions on how to improve them.

  • 12 Minutes of reading

    Published on 27 October 2022.

    How can we encourage employees to learn new skills?

    Learning new skills is essential for all employees, whatever their career objectives: changing company, strengthening their expertise, moving to a managerial position, retraining... Professions and jobs are evolving, so this means employees must continuously develop new skills and knowledge and enter uncharted territories. The digitalisation of work is a major underlying trend, with the omnipresence of digital technology and the advance of artificial intelligence.

  • 9 Minutes of reading

    Published on 19 October 2022.

    The challenges of User-Generated Content in the context of learning

    Keeping abreast of the latest innovations in the world of EdTech, a practice increasingly used for workplace learning came up: User-Generated Content. UGC for short, is a principle that encourages employees to create their own educational content so that it can be reused as part of the company’s Learning & Development plan.

  • 16 Minutes of reading

    Published on 18 October 2022.

    What are the challenges of hybrid work for companies and employees?

    The integration of hybrid work in companies is no longer an isolated phenomenon, reserved for certain "pioneering" organisations. Now, hybrid work is becoming the norm. However, according to a survey by Sapio Research and workplace platform provider Envoy, most UK workers prefer to spend some time in the office with 57% opting for a hybrid work model. Meanwhile, 38% indicated they preferred to work at the office full-time, and only 5% would like to work remotely all the time.

  • 13 Minutes of reading

    Published on 18 October 2022.

    Collaborative work in a hybrid context

    Every employee has surely experienced the frustration of time-consuming meetings that don't achieve anything constructive. Increasingly viewed as a bad example of collaborative work, employees find their interest wanes, and they become more passive.

  • 14 Minutes of reading

    Published on 18 October 2022.

    What is the value of collaboration tools for a company?

    Work emails can be a real bugbear for employees. All employees know what it's like to face a daily barrage of emails, or even worse, returning from a holiday to a deluge of emails. An average of 88 emails are received every day in work according to a survey carried out by research firm Radicati Group . Executives appear to be particularly sought-after: according to an Adobe study, they spend more than half their day checking their email (5 hours on average)!