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The Rise Up blog

Everything you need to know about best practices in vocational training

  • 13 Minutes of reading

    Published on 18 October 2022.

    Collaborative work in a hybrid context

    Every employee has surely experienced the frustration of time-consuming meetings that don't achieve anything constructive. Increasingly viewed as a bad example of collaborative work, employees find their interest wanes, and they become more passive.

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  • 14 Minutes of reading

    Published on 18 October 2022.

    What is the value of collaboration tools for a company?

    Work emails can be a real bugbear for employees. All employees know what it's like to face a daily barrage of emails, or even worse, returning from a holiday to a deluge of emails. An average of 88 emails are received every day in work according to a survey carried out by research firm Radicati Group . Executives appear to be particularly sought-after: according to an Adobe study, they spend more than half their day checking their email (5 hours on average)!

  • 12 Minutes of reading

    Published on 27 September 2022.

    Top management skills to master for a manager

    Are managers becoming obsolete? While this might sound like an absurd question, it’s one that many experts are asking. According to the management consulting firm Gartner, 30% of employees will be without a boss by 2024 due to the self-directed and hybrid nature of work.

  • 14 Minutes of reading

    Published on 27 September 2022.

    How to improve interpersonal communication in the workplace

    Interpersonal communication is an essential aspect of any business. Impeccable communication can help team members and managers to ensure the seamless exchange of information, promote a stimulating and motivating environment, foster cohesion and boost team performance. While these might sound like unattainable ambitions, they can all be achieved through the use of specific interpersonal communication techniques. What’s more, training can help employees to develop and refine these sorts of skills.

  • 13 Minutes of reading

    Published on 27 September 2022.

    The ultimate guide to soft skills

    According to a study conducted by leading global employment website Monster, 90% of employers believe that soft skills will become more important over the next few years. But why?

  • 10 Minutes of reading

    Published on 27 September 2022.

    Hard skills: definition and examples

    When we talk about skills, the main distinction that people make tends to be between hard skills and soft skills. The difference between the two seems fairly straightforward: hard skills are the technical skills required to perform a role, whereas soft skills are the people skills required to perform a role. However, it’s not always quite so clear cut. Take project management, for example. Does this rely on hard skills or soft skills? As we’ll see, this isn’t the only instance where hard and soft skills overlap.

  • 14 Minutes of reading

    Published on 25 August 2022.

    Sales skills: what are they and how can they be improved?

    In the UK, around three million people – some 10.5% of the employed population – work in retail, which is the largest private employment sector. This is hardly surprising, really, given that sales is one of the core functions of any business. A strong sales function enables companies to finance their ideas, attract and maintain customers, generate profit – and ultimately makes the difference between whether a company sinks or swims.

  • 11 Minutes of reading

    Published on 25 August 2022.

    Key skills in a hybrid work environment

    How have key skills changed since the pandemic and the emergence of hybrid working? In this article, Rise Up sets out the key skills required in a post-Covid work environment.

  • 9 Minutes of reading

    Published on 09 August 2022.

    Buyer beware: How to choose the right LMS

    There’s a lot of choice out there in the LMS (Learning Management System) market. So much choice that finding the right provider and the right platform can be a daunting prospect. But, as with any technology purchase, you can increase the likelihood of making the right decision if you follow a few key steps. That’s what Dr Anu Obaro, consultant radiologist and online training lead at the National CT Colonography Training and Accreditation programme of the NHS and Neil Bradley, UK Territory Manager at Rise Up, talked about in their session Buyer Beware: How to choose the right LMS at this year’s Learning Technologies Conference.

  • 6 Minutes of reading

    Published on 21 July 2022.

    Learning in the flow of work: Case Study

    It’s not so long ago that learning was seen as a one-off event, something that happened in a classroom. These days, however, we know that learning happens all the time and that when done well, it’s something that we actively engage in. Sometimes it’s in the classroom, but more often than not it happens elsewhere, when you’re actually working. It’s called learning in the flow of work.