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Why we're the best learning system for training providers

Rise Up is your ultimate solution for transforming your training organization into a powerhouse of learning excellence.


Hear from our customers...


Dan Briscoe

Managing Director & Co-Founder

Discover more about how click2 learn sought out Rise Up with the goal of delivering a smooth and effortless learning experience for both their customers and trainers. Dan describes how Rise Up has provided an engaging platform that fits all their use-cases. 

Download the case study


Leadership and Co

Stephanie Auping

Co-Founder & Chief Learning Officer

Discover how Rise Up helped Leadership & Co. create a collaborative environment outside their live classrooms to help build a community and encourage peer learning. Stephanie reveals how they have found a 'true partnership' with Rise Up,

Download the case study


red driving school

Richard Dallison

Training & Development Manager

Discover how RED Driving School chose Rise Up to provide them with a personalized learning experience to create bespoke training courses. Richard explains the need for a platform that they can control, track, and gather reports from themselves.


people untapped

Helen Hambleton


People Untapped were on the hunt for an LMS dedicated to Training Providers. Helen explains how Rise Up enables the blended-learning approach that is crucial to their clients.


Learn more about our LMS/LXP for training providers


How training organizations can maximize their success in 2023

Download our expert guide to discover how to optimize your people, processes, and technology. With insights on personalizing your training content, measuring learning impact, and leveraging the right technology, this guide is a must-read for anyone looking to gain a competitive edge in the learning and development industry. 

Download the expert guide

training org paper
  • Un tableau de bord clé en main

    Rise Up a su identifier les KPIs essentiels pour suivre et mieux piloter la montée en compétence des apprenants. Via la Data Visualisation, ces metrics sont disponibles en temps réel sous forme de tableau de bord, depuis votre plateforme, en plus des résultats des évaluations et quiz des apprenants.

  • Un accompagnement axé sur la performance

    L’accompagnement Rise Up comprend le partage d’analyses et de recommandations d’optimisation au regard des insights fournis. Un exemple : l'identification des points de décrochage, et les actions préventives à mettre en place.

  • Consulting Data Intelligence

    La Data Intelligence permet de creuser les usages autour de la formation, ainsi que de cerner les différents profils d’apprenants et leurs besoins : segmentation, cohortes de rétention, Churn, LTV, efficacité de l’Onboarding, courbe de rétention des talents, et ainsi de suite.

  • Consulting Data Performance

    La Data Performance permet de mieux piloter l’activité de formation en s’appuyant sur la data pour définir le scénario le plus efficace (sur l’engagement et la montée en compétence) et la stratégie de formation à adopter.


Want to learn more?

Speak to our experts to get your business up-to-skill in real-time.