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Microsoft Teams integration

Learn as you work without leaving Microsoft Teams

Discover our solution with
 Microsoft Teams

Make learning part of the learner's workday

Eliminate unnecessary barriers between the learner and their training by bringing learning in the flow of work. Rise Up for Microsoft Teams allows learners to move seamlessly between working and

84% of L&D players* believe that it is more important than ever before to integrate digital learning into collaborative platforms such as Microsoft Teams.

* Source: Fosway - Covid19 Research

Meet your learners where they are

"Rolling out Rise Up Microsoft Teams to AKKODIS employees was incredibly easy and fast. The launch was received with great enthusiasm, as learners were already familiar with Teams, and learning engagement has improved substantially."

Nathalie Macq, Learning Program Manager, Akka Technologies (Rise Up X Teams user)

Microsoft Teams Training


A personalised learning experience with LIA, our virtual coach

Powered by AI, LIA can easily adapt to each learner's requests, answer questions, suggest training content and issue reminders about scheduled courses.

Leverage the collaborative features of Microsoft Teams

The Rise Up app for Microsoft Teams enables employees to enrich their training experience by offering all the collaborative features of Teams at their fingertips: video, calendar alerts, conversations, etc.

Leverage the collaborative features of Microsoft Teams with Rise Up app

Key features included

  • SSO User Matching: No need to log in twice; once logged in to Teams, learners can access their training courses and view tailored content via the app.


  • Ability to provide Rise Up access to a restricted group of users, same as in the web version.

  • Learners can access progress tests, all from the Teams platform.

  • Ability to use microlearning by enabling employees to learn new skills quickly, through bitesize bursts of learning. 

  • Easy access to most used documents 
Micrososft Teams Progress

Expert guide: Learning in the flow of work

According to research conducted by Fosway, 84% of learning and development leaders consider it important to integrate digital learning into other corporate platforms like Microsoft Teams and Salesforce. Learn more by downloading our expert guide.

Download now
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Case Study - Learn in the flow of work with Rise Up & Microsoft Teams


AKKA Technologies was the first customer to experience Rise Up with the Microsoft Teams app. At Learning Technologies, Nathalie Macq - Learning Program Manager at AKKA Technologiesshared her feedback about her experience in bringing learning into the employees' working environment. 

Read the full case study

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